Meet the Enterprise Advisers
An Enterprise Adviser is a volunteer from business who works closely with the headteacher or Senior Leadership Team of a school or college to provide strategic support.
Name: Alison Jackson
Company: easyJet
Sector: Aviation / Travel
Matched with: Putteridge High School
I became an Enterprise Advisor as I really enjoy helping young people to think about their future and help them to understand the different career paths open to them. I enjoy talking to them about transferable skills, and how the subjects they enjoy at school can translate into jobs in the workplace. easyJet is a local employer and we would like to ensure we have the right links with local talent, supporting wherever we can.
Name: Peter Jenkins
Company: Partners in Export UK
Sector: Export and Consultancy
Matched With: Challney High School for Girls
Name: Caron McCulloch
Company: London Luton Airport Operations Ltd
Sector: Aviation
Matched with: Denbigh High School
Being an Enterprise Advisor allows me to give back to the community we serve, which is a fantastic feeling. It allows me to promote our sector to the students and inspire the next generation of potential employees. I feel the guidance and support I can provide and building the relationship with the school and the amazing Careers Lead at my school is invaluable.
Name: Lesley McNeill
Company: Luton Council
Sector: Public Sector
Matched With: Barnfield College
As an EA I can engage with employers and young people to understand each other’s needs and aspirations, facilitate career pathways and development opportunities